Monday 6/8/2015

A) 2 Sets of:
45 Sec Row
rest 15 Sec
45 Sec Double Unders
rest 15 Sec
45 Sec Child Pose Stretch
rest 15 Sec

B) 3 Sets
Strict Pull-up x5-10
rest 30 sec
Kipping Pull-up x10-15
rest 90 sec

*If unable to do a unassisted kipping pull-up, you may choose from1 of 3 scales.
1-Use a band with a kipping motion.
2-Jumping pull-ups with a 3 second negative.
3-Ring Row.

C) AMRAP in 8 Min of:
5 Hang Power Snatch (135/95)
6 Burpee Over Bar
7 Toes To Bar

Rest 4 min, repeat

*Score total reps completed. 1 Round=18 reps

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