A) 400 m Run
Foam Roll Hamstrings/Lats
2 Sets
Stiff Legged Kettlebell Deadlift x10
Sit-up x10
Wall Squat x10
B) In 15-20 Minutes Establish a 1RM Deadlift
C) “CrossFit Games Masters Event 1”
For time:
8 Deadlifts
40 GHD sit-ups
80 Double-unders
4 Rope climbs
80 Wall Balls
4 Rope climbs
80 Double-unders
40 GHD sit-ups
8 Deadlifts
*Use 80% of Deadlift for todays deadlift weight.
*Perform V-ups as a scale for GHD sit-ups. Only perform GHD sit-ups if you have been exposed to them recently.
*Perform 20 Strict Pull-ups as a scale for 4 rope climbs.
*Time Cap is 25 Minutes
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