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Wednesday 1/15/20
A) 2 Min Bike
2 Sets
Alt. Groiner Lunges x6 (3 ea. side)
Banded Good Morning x20
2 Sets
Feet Together Squat x8
Wide Stance Squat x8
Hanging Knee Raise x10
B) 8 Sets
Back Squat x2 @25×1
rest 60-90 sec
*Build each set
**Hold bottom in an active/engaged position and not in a lazy/compressed bottom position.
C) 4 Sets
AMRAP in 3 Min Of:
4 Hang Power Clean (Rx 115/75) (Rx+ 135/95)
8 Box Step-ups (Rx 24″/20″) (Rx+ 24″/20″ w15/10lb DB ea. hand)
12 Push-ups
rest 3 min
Tuesday 1/14/20
A) 2 Sets
5 sec Lateral Lunge Hold x3 ea leg
Squat Hold x30 sec
Glute Bridge Hold x30 sec
2 Sets
Samson Stretch Lunge x50ft
KB Windmill x6 ea.
Single Leg Deadlift x8 ea.
B) 5 Sets
2″ Deficit Deadlift x5
*Each rep is from a dead stop
**Build over the course of 5 sets.
***Maintain sound form each set.
****Goal is to be heavier than last weeks heaviest set for 2 out of 5 of todays sets.
C) For Time:
21 Deadlift (Rx 135/95) (Rx+ 165/110)
42 Wall Ball (Rx 20/15) (Rx+ 30/20)
15 Deadlift
30 Wall Ball
9 Deadlift
18 Wall Ball
Monday 1/13/20
A) 2 Sets
Banded Good Morning x20
Banded Scap Pulls x20
Reverse Lunge + Groiner x6 ea.
2 Sets
Hang Muscle Clean x5
Front Squat x5
Tall Clean x5
B) 5 Sets
Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat @32×1 + Hang Squat Clean
C) AMRAP In 18 Min Of:
70 Pull-ups
60 DB Front Squat (Rx 35/25) (Rx+ 50/35)
50 Cal Row
40 Kettlebell Swings (Rx 53/35) (Rx+ 70/53)
Max Burpees To Plate
*Score total burpees completed
Saturday 1/11/20
A) Coaches Choice Warm-Up
B) For Total Time:
8 Rounds Of
10 Toes To Bar
10 Push Press (95/65)
10 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
*Only 1 athlete can work at a time. Each athlete must complete a full round before the other athlete can start. Each athlete completes 4 rounds.
then do:
8 Rounds Of:
20 Cal Assault Bike
20 Deadlifts (185/120)
*Only 1 athlete can work at a time. You may alternate athletes however you please.
Friday 1/10/20
A) Coaches Choice Warm-Up
B) Every 2 Min For 14 Min Do:
5 sec Tempo Snatch Pull + Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
C) “Rowing Nancy”
5 Rounds For Time Of:
500m Row
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
Thursday 1/9/20
A) 2 Min Ski or Row
2 Sets
Plate Shoulder Circles x8-10 ea. side
Banded Chest Flye x12-15
2 Sets
Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift x8 + Single Arm Farmers Carry x100ft, R
Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift x8 + Single Arm Farmers Carry x100ft, L
Lateral Band Walk w/ Overhead Plate Hold x25ft ea way
B) EMOM For 30 Min Do:
Min 1 – Cal Ski x12/10
Min 2 – Landmine Thruster x8 ea. (35/25)
Min 3 – Battle Rope x20 sec
Min 4 – Front Rack Kettlebell Walking Lunge x50ft (35/25)
Min 5 – Pull-up x15
Wednesday 1/8/20
A) 2 Min Bike
2 Sets
Alt. Groiner Lunges x6 (3 ea. side)
Banded Good Morning x20
2 Sets
Feet Together Squat x8
Wide Stance Squat x8
Hanging Knee Raise x10
B) 4 Sets
Back Squat x4 @33×1
*Build each set
C) 5 Sets Ea. For Time Of:
15 Kettlebell Swings (Rx (53/35) (Rx+ 70/53)
12 Cal Assault Bike
35 Double Unders
rest 2 min
*Scale double unders to half reps or single unders depending on ability.