A) 2 Sets
5 sec Lateral Lunge Hold x3 ea leg
Squat Hold x30 sec
Glute Bridge Hold x30 sec
2 Sets
Samson Stretch Lunge x50ft
KB Windmill x6 ea.
Single Leg Deadlift x8 ea.
B) 5 Sets
4″ Deficit Deadlift x5
*Each rep is from a dead stop
**Build over the course of 5 sets.
***Maintain sound form each set.
C) 4 Rounds For Time Of:
8 Burpees
10 Double DB Snatch (Rx 35/20) (Rx+ 50/35)
12 Box Jump Overs (Rx 20″/16″) (Rx+ 24″/20″)