A) 2 Sets
Snatch Grip Deadlift x4
Hang Snatch High Pull x4
1″ Below The Knee Muscle Snatch x4
PVC Sotts Press x5
Every :30 Seconds For 3 Min (6 Sets) Do:
Tall Snatch x2
B) 4 Sets
Snatch Pull To Above The Knee + Hang Snatch @85%
C) 2 Sets
AMRAP In 3 Min Of:
21 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
15 Burpee Over Bar
9 Thrusters (95/65)
rest 3 min
AMRAP In 3 Min Of:
30 Cal Row
Max Pull-ups
rest 3 min
Score total reps completed for entire workout. Each calorie completed on the row counts as 1 completed rep along with each additional pull-up completed
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