A) Complete in any order:
Row x 500 m
Chest Facing Wall Squats x15
Couch stretch x 1 min ea. leg
B) Back Squat
55% x8
65% x6
75% x4
60% x8
70% x6
80% x4
80% x2
90% x2
*Rest approx. 2 min between ea. set
C) 5 Sets, ea. for time of:
10 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
5 Thrusters (115/75)
rest 3 min
*Score fastest and slowest round.
**Try and keep the pull-ups unbroken. If you are able to do C2B pull-ups, please do so in todays workout but you must perform C2B pull-ups for every round.
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