Part A Warm Up
Coaches Choice
Part B
3 Rounds For Time Of:
10 Handstand Push-ups
10 Alt. DB Snatch (55/35)
10 Deadlifts (225/145)
Once each athlete has completed the above work, do:
400 m Run
20 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters (135/95)
*Only one athlete can work at a time. Athlete 1 does HSPU/DB Snatch/Deadlift, then athlete 2 perform the same sequence. Once each athlete complete the top section, then athlete 1 can start their Run/Pull-up/Thruster while athlete 2 rests. Once athlete 1 completes their last thruster, athlete 2 can start their run. Non working athletes can change weights on the barbell while the other athlete is working.
Tabata – 16min
8 min – Russian Twists / KB Sumo DL High Pulls
Rest 1 min
8 min – Slam Balls / DB Shoulder Press
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