Wednesday 1/18/17

Wednesday 1/18/17

Everyone kicked butt yesterday!  But wait, there’s more…

Part A Warm up

Coaches choice

Part B

4 Sets
Muscle-up x1-4 OR Seated Banded Muscle-up x5
rest 1-2 min

Part C

For Total Time:
10 Push Press (95/65)
10 Burpees
10 Games Standard Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Pull-ups
rest 2 min
10 Burpees
10 Games Standard Box Jumps
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press
rest 2 min
10 Games Standard Box Jumps
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press
10 Burpee
rest 2 min
10 Pull-ups
10 Push Press
10 Burpees
10 Games Standard Box Jumps

*First movement becomes the last movement in the following round.

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