Monday 1/14/19

Monday 1/14/19

A) 2 Sets
Banded Scap Pull Aparts x20
Overhead Single Arm Banded Pull Downs x15 ea.
Push-up x3 @5155

2 Sets
Seal Walk x50ft
Samson Stretch Lunge x50ft
Spiderman Lunge x25ft

B) Press
*Increase weight on each set of 5’s and increase weight on each set of 1.
*Example: 105×5-135 x1-115×5-145 x1-125 x5-155×1

C) “2019 Wodapalooza Workout 1″
For Time:
Double DB Snatch (35/20)
Burpee Box Jump Over (24″/20”)

*18 min cap

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