A) 500 m Row
2 Sets
Walking High Knee Pulls x50ft
Crab Walk x50ft
PVC Pass Through x10
2 Sets
Half Kneeling Banded Horizontal Rows x15 ea.
Knee Banded Squats x10 ea. side
Single Leg PVC Deadlift x8 ea.
B) For Time
50 Cal Ski Erg
400 m Run
rest 5 min
400 m Run
30 Turkish Get-ups (53/35)
*You may alternate sides as you please. 15 reps must be performed on each arm.
rest 5 min
20 Pull-up
20 Ring Dips
400 m Run
20 Ring Dips
20 Pull-ups
C) EMOM For 6 Min Do:
Barbell Curls x12-15
(Choose a barbell weight that allows you to perform the reps within the minute with as little “body english” as possible)
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