A) 2 Sets
Quadruped Alt Arm/Leg Raise x5 ea.
Superman Arch x15
Wall Squat Hold x20-40 sec
then do:
3 Sets
Stiff Legged Deadlift x5
Hang Muscle Clean x5
Front Squat x5
*Add weight each set in small increments (5-20 total lb each set)
B) 4 Sets
Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean
C) 2 Sets
AMRAP In 3 Min Of:
20 Cal Ski Erg
10 Deadlifts (225/140)
Max DB Push Press (50/35)
rest 3 min
3 Min Max Cal Row
rest 3 min
*Score total reps of push press and cals.
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